What is Found Here?

Found Here is business-to-business directory listing companies that cater to other businesses. This directory has four functions. 1) helps buyers find suppliers. 2) helps brands promote to buyers. 3) helps brands find support from relevant service providers, and other businesses to collaborate with. 4) Access live webinars from industry experts

What are the benefits of subscribing to a business-to-business directory?

Subscribing to the Found Here community provides businesses with a comprehensive database of potential partners and suppliers. It saves time and effort in searching for relevant companies, and it increases the chances of finding the right partner for a specific business need.

How does a membership subscription to Found Here work?

The membership subscription to the Found Here directory grants businesses access to the directory’s database of companies. The subscription may offer additional benefits, such as access to premium listings or the ability to access exclusive events.

How much does the membership subscription to Found Here cost?

The cost of a membership subscription to a brand listing on Found Here costs £299 paid annually or £29.99 paid monthly. Access for buyers is free of charge.

How often is the information in Found Here updated?

The frequency of event updates vary, but we aim to upload something new on Mondays. The Found Here Directory is updated in real-time, with new brands and buyers signing up daily.

How do we know which buyers are looking?

We not able to share specific details about which buyers are looking at the site, however we will give regular updates about which companies have visited. Also, buyers are able to connect with you directly or connect with you via Found Here.

Will Found Here give feedback on my profile?

We are unable to commit to giving individual feedback due to the volume of workload. We recommend regularly checking in and reviewing your profile as this is your pitch to the buyers viewing.

What types of businesses can be found in the Found Here directory?

A wide range of businesses, including manufacturers, designers, makers across all product categories ranging from Food and Drink, Homewares, Fashion, Toys and much more.

What kind of support services will I find in the ‘Recommended Supplier’ section?

Overtime Found Here aims to offer a recommended supplier from almost every market sector ranging from financial services, marketing, sales, packaging design and more.

What kind of guests will be interviewed on the live webinars?

Found Here aim’s to bring its unique community insights and information from relevant industry experts. These will change every month and we will be listening to the requests of the Found Here community and reacting to what and who they want to hear from.

What is a virtual pitch?

All brand members will have their own profile page. On each page the brand will detail key information about their brand and tell their unique story in the written word and video format. This will give any buyer viewing the brands profile an overview of the brand, their story, their products and their aspirations.

Can businesses advertise on the Found Here directory?

There is currently no facility for brands or recommended suppliers to advertise on Found Here.

Is it possible to cancel a membership subscription to the Found Here directory?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at anytime. Please note, if the membership is cancelled, access to the community will be denied and profile will be removed from the site.

As a buyer, how do I search for brands in the directory?

Found Here allows users to search by, location, category, seasonality, personalisation, and other services.  Please contact a the Found Here team if you have requirements for more specific searches.

Can I access Found Here from anywhere?

Yes, as long as you have an internet connection. You can be on Found Here.

Can I review or rate brands or services on Found Here?

This can provide valuable feedback for other users. Although not live yet there will be a way to review brands and services in the near future.

Can I contact customer support if I have questions or issues with the directory?

Yes, please contact support@brandsfoundhere.com will endevour to respond to all enquiries within 48hours.

I cant upload images to my page.

Please view our ‘How to guide’ here: https://youtu.be/7GsiVZBrnUA